Job Search Strategy + Interview Preparation

Gone are the days of logging on to a website, uploading a resume, filling out an application, and getting an interview within a matter of a week or two. Today’s job market is competitive, one in which only ~2% of reactive efforts yield interviews. Your search needs to be strategic. 

At Hyphen, strategy design starts with your needs and desires. Each client has their own personal career criteria, things that are important and meaningful to them. These criteria will no doubt impact your decision-making process and influence your interests. 

From there, we discuss your top career interests and how you align with them. Alignment is essential for the search and recruitment processes. Once we understand where you’re trying to go and how you will add value in those spaces, we will discuss your comfort level with a variety of networking activities and craft a plan to help you establish and maintain meaningful professional relationships rooted in genuine interest and authentic connection. 

If the thought of networking makes you nervous or want to run in another direction, don’t fret. We will introduce you to approaches and methods that fit within your comfort level and interests (you won’t need to go to mixers!). 

As part of your strategy, you’ll be sharpening your interviewing skills. We understand that interviews can feel intimidating and candidates can feel powerless when interviewers are grilling them with questions. However, interviewing should really be thought of as a relationship of equals - it’s a two-way evaluative process. You are interviewing the employers just as much as they are interviewing you. With Hyphen, you’ll learn how to prepare like a pro so you can channel your confidence and ace future interviews.