Resumes + Cover Letters

Effective resume writing combines art + science. Believe it or not, in most cases, your resume is evaluated by an Applicant Tracking System’s resume parser before a human ever looks at it. In fact, research shows that 99% of Fortune 500 companies use an ATS and that no single type of ATS dominates the market (JobScan, 2021). These mechanisms are strategically designed to filter most applicants out of the hiring process so that HR teams can focus their time and energy on only the most relevant candidates. According to Human Resources Today, Applicant Tracking Systems cut 70% of resumes that don’t meet muster. 

What does that mean for you? As an applicant, you need to have an intelligently designed resume that is created with the Applicant Tracking System in mind. Your content needs to be readable and scorable, or your resume will end up in the ATS black hole, and you may never get an invitation to interview. Even if you’re the most qualified candidate, if your resume is not effective, no one will ever see it.

So, what happens if you make it through the ATS? Surely, someone must then take the time to read through your resume, looking for your qualifications? Well, not so much...unfortunately. We know from recruiter eye-tracking research that on average, recruiters skim through a resume for only about 7.4 seconds! You have just a few seconds to convince a recruiter you are a top candidate worthy of an interview invitation. 

If this information seems overwhelming, don’t worry. When you work with Hyphen, you’re working with an Academy Certified Resume Writer, someone specially trained on resume writing for the ATS and the human eye and who is credentialed by an elite resume writing institution.

In need of a custom cover letter? Don’t want to agonize over every line by yourself? Consider us for your cover letter writing needs. A good cover letter is one that is tailored specifically for the position(s) for which you are applying. It stands out, affirms your fit for the role and speaks to your value add, and leaves the reader with the impression that you are confident and well-qualified for the role(s). 

While the resume + cover letter writer might be the technical expert, the client drives the resume + cover letter design and is involved in the collaborative process every step of the way (or as much or as little as they prefer). It’s crucial that the resume or cover letter we design represents your personal brand and value add as a candidate. 

To set up a consultation for resume or cover letter writing, fill out the form below: